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Lingodiction Language Learning Redefined 1.1
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A language learning app comprises of 64+ languages, 24 categories to choose from. Map based navigation Unlike other commonplace language training tools, LingoDiction doesn't push users to learn grammatical and vocab-related details just to set-off day-to-day conversations. Instead, the app comprises of a set of words and phrases handpicked ingeniously to help people use a certain language in a more practicable manner. Just to ease a coherent learning, the app includes words classified under several categories. Rigorous research has been done in defining these categories and words to make sure that users don’t get the unnecessary information load to deal with.
*More than 1600 words from as many as 24 commonly-used Categories
*Words with Phonetics, and integrated Audio for a better understanding
*Single-Click tagging of words for better search capabilities
*Single-Click switching between categories and languages
*Staples and Matchstix Modes for a refined Tag-based search
*Potpourri Mode for an elaborated view of Words
*Region-based Packs for a targeted use
*Easy Search and Navigation options
*Device Keyboard integration
*Built-in Speech for a seamless communication
*Single-touch social media sharing
*Add/Edit Words
It’s not just the selection of words that makes LingoDiction stand out of the crowd, but the ease with which users can harness the benefits is also worth taking a note. The app provides its users with several customization options to play with, letting them learn a complete language, or a significant part of it, at their own comfortable pace. Backpackers planning for exploratory trips to far regions can have respective language packages installed on their iOS devices.
Taking that customizability feature a step further, the app also enables users to tag the words they use more often and assign those a category of their own. For instance, if a user wishes to have words from Finance, Colors, and Emergency bunched in the same category, they can do it with remarkable ease. In addition to this, they can also have their choicest words from different languages clustered at one single location.
Language enthusiasts looking forward to adding some new languages in their repertoire will find the app incredibly useful. With a feature called Autoplay, the app enables users to sit back comfortably and listen to a list of their choicest words. They can make categories of their own, among many other things.
LingoDiction welcomes the feedback of users, and is open for linguistic corrections, if any. In order to help the community, natives or language experts are invited to correct words, renderings, or voices if they deem those inapt in a given context. Users can also share favorite words with their friends on social media sites.
LingoDiction also scores credibly in the navigation part. It sports a remarkably easy-to-use interface and menu options. Simplified navigation menus, coupled with appealing color-schemes further makes it a language trainer of choice.