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Saas Balen English 1.0
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The official audio guide trough the Saas Valley!
Embark on an adventure to all four villages of the Saas Valley, and enjoy the
environment of the alpine mountains in your very individual way.
Guided by the locals Marie and Reverend Imseng this audio-visual tour takes
you through the villages of the Saas Valley, telling fascinating and informative stories
about the mountains;
adventures of the past and introduces you to the pioneers of the Saas Valley and
the environment, with just an iPhone at your ear.
Whether you are exploring each location by foot or decide to rest in a sunny
spot, it is up to you.
Simply select your individual route for your own preferences and pace.
This audio guide was written and produced by Saas-Fee/Saastal Tourismus in
cooperation with iGuide Media GmbH.
For further information go to, or
• route with 16 - 27 stations
• High-quality audio-visual texts recorded by professional actors
• zoomable map of all four valleys with dial-up stations,
• Scrollable menu list of all stations for direct selection
• Multiple slide show images for each station