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Symbianguru Gps Action V1.04
Screen Shots:
GPS-Action software sets automatic alarms and performs different actions according to the GPS and Cell position of the mobile phone. You can launch the application, which you have selected, launch the desired document or change the profile or a Buetooth status of your mobile phone when achieving some geographical position. Application may fire alarm and display a custom note as soon as you reach your destination. All actions are performed without any user interaction, only using the location based information.
You have no GPS inside your mobile? No problem! GPS-Action works also with CellID information that is available to all devices without GPS module.
Nokia native landmarks are included automatically into the application.
New in Version 1.4:
*. The software is fully compatible with the latest mobile phones Symbian^3, Symbian Anna and Symbian Bella: Nokia N8-00, Nokia X7-00, Nokia C7-00, Nokia 603, Nokia E7-00, Nokia 700 *. All bugs were fixed Easy to use software GPS-Action is very easy to use. You need to undergo only three simple steps after installation:
*. Adjust software settings: here the main thing to adjust the way of geo-positioning: based on GPS, Cell location or both ways. Also you should define your working days and alarm sound volume here.
*. Create your own landmarks (if you have your Nokia landmarks already, this step can be omitted): your target places where you want the alarms to be fired and actions to be executed are called landmarks. You can define landmarks as your current place, add landmarks from ready Nokia Landmarks (for devices with built-in GPS) or define landmark coordinates manually.
*. Create alarms and actions schedule based on the landmarks: during this step you set type of action and alarm to be executed, as well as alarm frequency, minimal playtime, condition and corresponding landmark. GPS and Cell ID positioning: available toall Symbian^3, Symbian Anna and Symbian Bella devices, also without GPS. There are two types of location positioning: GPS positioning and Cell positioning. GPS positioning is very precise. It is achieved via satellite and itis available for the devices with built-inGPS or external GPS-receiver.
This location type has its drawback: connection to the satellite is not possible through walls. So if you are inside, your GPS position will most probably not be retrieved. For this case, and also for the devices without built-in GPS receiver, we have the second positioning type: location by Cells. Cells are available at all GSM operators, it is the mast where your mobile is receiving the information about the GSM network and your mobile operator. This info is available everywhere, where the GSM network is available. However, the CellID positioning is not so precise. As the GPSpositioning, sometimes cells are situated far from each other, so the area for your landmark can be vast enough..
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