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Tripl Social Discovery Of Where Friends Travel 1.0.11
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Tripl is the first app that lets you discover where all your friends are traveling from around the world.
It’s completely free and incredibly fun and easy to use. None of your friends need to be using the application for it to start working. Tripl filters through all the pictures, check-ins and statuses that your friends are sharing on your favorite social networks like Facebook, Foursquare, and Instagram. It then figures out which of your friends are away from home and lets you browse their amazing trips.
To start using Tripl, simply sign in using your Facebook account (*). To create a more enriched experience, we highly recommend that you connect your Foursquare and Instagram accounts to find even more friends traveling. It’s simple to let your friends know that you love that they are traveling or comment back to their original posts. Easily swipe through your friends multiple check-ins and photos that we’ve aggregated throughout their entire trip.
This is our first iOS release with many more features to come....
Tripl has been featured by: Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Techcrunch, TheNextWeb, Mashable, Venturebeat, GigaOm, Fast Company, Tnooz, PandoDaily and many more.
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(*) Facebook is required in order to indicate your friends' home locations to determine when they are traveling