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5678 Dance 1.5.2
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Tired of trying to find the exact start point when working on a routine?
5678 Dance is your answer.
5678 Dance, is easy to use on iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. It is a great rehearsal tool for dance, poms, or anything choreographed…and it’s simple to use. Just add markers to your music or turn on the metronome and practice away. Don’t bother looking for other apps, they don’t exist. We are the best app for your training, dance routine, step orientation, and practice.
MARKERS - Move the playhead to the start location for each section you need and use the forward and reverse buttons to get it exact. Set the markers and play the song. There are nine markers; one to move back to the beginning and eight that you set as needed.
METRONOME - Have trouble with counting and timing? Get your step right on the beat with this. Set the metronome to any tempo with three time signatures. Just adjust proper tempo and the metronome counts for you. No tick/tock of older metronomes but actual counts. It even counts in for you when set to 4/4 time.
MUSIC - You choose your music from your iTunes library. No porting music into the app is necessary.
NOT JUST FOR DANCE - 5678 Dance is great anytime you need to rehearse or practice specific sections of music over and over. Whether you are trying to learn the guitar section of a song, working on a specific area for band or choir number, this is the app you need.