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Accu Calc 1.3
Screen Shots:
Accu Calc is an easy to use, very accurate calculator, which uses Decimal Arithmetic rather than the more typical Binary Arithmetic, which means it retains accuracy even for very large or very small numbers.
In all calculations, the numbers being calculated are maintained internally at maximum accuracy, regardless of the number of decimal places that are actually being displayed. Numbers with up to 20 digits can be entered by the user.
Summary of Features:
Tax Calculation (with selectable tax rate), Currency Mode, Constant Mode (for repeating calculations), Memory function, dual function Percentage key, selectable number of decimal places (0 to 15).
Features in Detail:
As well as the standard mathematical functions that a calculator can perform, Accu Calc has the following features:
1. Tax Calculations.
Add or Subtract tax to or from the value on the primary display.
The tax rate can be adjusted on the in-app Settings screen.
Whenever the Tax buttons are pressed, the tax rate will be shown on the left hand side of the display. The bottom line of the display shows the new value with the tax applied, and the middle line of the display shows the actual amount of tax. The Direction Indicator to the right of the display shows the direction of the tax amount (up or down).
By default, Accu Calc will enter Currency Mode automatically whenever the tax buttons are used, but you can disable this option on the Settings screen.
2. Currency Mode.
When Currency Mode is enabled the various displays will always show two decimal places, and will include trailing zeros where appropriate.
3. Memory Function.
This function allows you to temporarily store values in the calculator's memory for later use.
You can add or subtract values to the number in memory, then Recall the stored value later, to use in a calculation.
The stored memory value is displayed on the top line of the display.
4. Constant Mode.
This feature allows you to implement a repeating calculation, e.g. to continuously add a number to the currently displayed value, by tapping any of the operator keys twice.
Example: 10 ++ 5 = [ 15 ] = [ 20 ] = [ 25 ] etc, or 10 xx 2 = [ 20 ] = [ 40 ] = [ 80 ] etc.
When Constant Mode is active, the current operator (shown on the right hand side of the display) will be coloured red.
5. Dual Function Percentage Operation.
You can find the given percentage of a value - e.g. 10 % 56 = [ 5.6 ].
Or you can incorporate a percentage into a calculation - e.g. 100 + 17.5 % = [ 117.5 ]
6. Selectable number of decimal places.
You can select the number of decimal places to display (default value is 8).
Any value between 0 and 15 can be selected, just enter the new value on the Settings screen.
7. Optional 'thousands separator' - larger numbers are split up into groups, e.g. 10000 displays as: 10,000
For further info, and detailed instructions on the use of this app, please visit our website.