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Claunch 12.04
Screen Shots:
cLaunch Today screen Plug In launcher, highly customizable and with big icons in iPhone style.
cLaunch offers the following features :
* Launcher is displayed on Today screen.
* It can display 8 group and multiple page.
* Each group tab can be hide from display.
* It can hide the border of the tab label.
* It can define display height in Today.
* It can import shortcut from system to current group.
* Users can change group name.
* It can reverse the position of the arrow.
* Background picture, setting icon and arrow icon can be set up.
* Icon name can be enable and display.
* It can disable menu bar.
* Menu bar can be at the bottom.
* Each group can have different setting of margin, icon size etc.
* Tab border can set to 3D.
* Setting icon and Arrow icons can be disable.
* Short cut can change to other icon.
* All data use by cLaunch store in "WindowscLaunch.dat"
* Import function can browse the directory
* Tab extended line that wrap around can be turn off
* If the file path is "#Arrow up","#Arrow down","#Arrow left","#Arrow right" or "#Settings", it will perform cLaunch functions.
* Support 480x640 screen
Operations :
* Tap on group name tab go directly to the group.
* Tap on top left icon to go to the setup screen.
* Tap on right arrow key to go to next tab group.
* Tap on down arrow key to go to next page within the group.
* Tap on up arrow key to go to previous page within the group.
* Tap on empty space goto next group.
* Tap on active tab will goto next page within the group.
* Tap and slide on right one icon goto next page within the group.
* Tap and slide on left one icon goto previous page within the group.
* Tap and slide on right more than one icon goto next group.
* Tap and slide on left more than one icon goto previous group.
* Tap and slide on tab will goto next tab group.
* Tap and hold on empty space goto 'Options'.
* Tap and hold on tab label will goto 'Options'.
* Tap and hold on short cut icon will display the icon name.
* Tap and hold on setting icon can launch user definable short cut.