This Version of Psshutxp was added on 12-07-2015 in our apps store. It has been downloaded for free by 227 times by our valuable users. Download Latest Version of Psshutxp for Free. is online mobile phone app stock so you come and enjoy unlimited free downloads. Other versions of Psshutxp may also available in our Mobile App store you can search them from related software category.
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Screen Shots:
With psShutXP for Pocket PCs you can easily control power and display of your PDA. Unlike other similar utilities psShutXP covers all power functions:
- Soft Reset;
- Shutdown;
- Display switch Off/On (You can bind it to any hardware key);
- Password lock;
- You can also schedule all these functions using timer dialog;
- Icon in "Today" screen in the tray for quick access
- Microsoft Windows XP-style main dialog with gray background and shadow;
- Program is very small, only 35 Kb;
- look for and apply funny skins for psShutXP or create new one;
- for advanced users psShutXP has a hidden function: hard reset with double confirmation;
- English and Russian version...
Display switch
You can map Display switch to any hardware button, after that you can easily switch you display without turning the PDA off.
You can download (from skins for normal or VGA screen from our site, also you can create own skin using our templates.
Dialogs style have the same appearance as the Microsoft Windows XP Shutdown dialog.
No shotcuts
If you rename program to psShutXP_nosc.exe the shotcuts in Program folder will not be created (may be useful for someone).
You can find all versions (English, Russian, Normal/VGA) on the developer site (