Total 3 Used Mobile Phones Found in Burewala

Now it best way for shopping online old mobile phones in Burewala, Here is the nearest location for sell Nokia mobiles in Burewala. Now you can find the persons who want to sale their mobile phones in your own city. Large cities of Pakistan selling and purchasing Burewala mobile phones by using this easy and fast way. You can get prices for mobile phones e.g Samsung Mobiles, Nokia, LG, Motorola and HTC mobiles for sale in in Burewala on very cheap phone rates.

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Used Nokia X2-02 for sale in Burewala
Demand: Rs: 5000/-
City: Burewala
Used Nokia N70 for sale in Burewala
Demand: Rs: 3000/-
City: Burewala
Used Nokia 6600 for sale in Burewala
Demand: Rs: 3500/-
City: Burewala