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Cookie Cafe Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
Do you have what it takes to run Cookie Cafe!
You've just opened a shop up in your Local Village, and it's time to serve customers delicious cookies, espresso and more!
Starts off easy, just serving cookies with a few toppings, then more are added along the way to increase difficulty!
Features include:
*9 Varieties of Customers!
*Delicious, homemade Cookies to serve customers!
*Great toppings like Berries, Chocolate and Vanilla Dollops, Chocolate Bon Bons, and other topping varieties!
*Includes a fancy Espresso Machine to serve customers Coffee with their cookies!
*Also includes Milk, and Chocolate Milk bottles at the end to serve customers with their Cookies! No Cookie is complete without milk!
*Difficulty, and Goal increases as you progress. Earn money beyond your Goal for a Gold Star for each level!
*All levels are unlocked, so if some levels are too easy, you can immediately skip over, and try the harder ones.
*Review this application for every update, and we will update according to any suggestions you may have!