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Hidden Object Cinderella 1.0.28
Screen Shots:
Phatpuppy and Jenni James presents, "Cinderella!"
Earn mPoints as you play!
This is a complete story-based hidden object game for FREE!
Enjoy 15 beautiful scenes packed full of items and narration by the author Jenni James in this game based on Cinderella (Faerie Tale Collection).
Three different modes of play!
-NORMAL Mode: Timed, limited hints and exciting bonus rounds!
-CASUAL Mode: Nice and relaxing experience.
-CHALLENGE Mode: An extra challenge for those that are willing to accept!
Three ways to find items!
-Find items by their PICTURE. This is the easiest mode and great for kids.
-Find by items by the WORD. This is great if your child is just learning how to read and a slight step up in difficulty for everyone.
-Find items by SILHOUETTE. This is a tricky way to play that will often surprise you once you finally find the correct object.