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Table Touch Football Lite 1.0
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Table Touch Football is a unique spin off of the paper / flick football game. The goal of the game is to flick a football downfield to try and intersect the endzone (classic game) or intersect a touchdown circle (original, completions game) to make a score.
Battle your friends or the cpu in 4 unique and challenging game modes. Post your scores to the online high scores table and compete against players from across the globe.
- 4 game modes (original, classic, completions and kick game)
- 3D extra point / field goal attempts
- Animated kick blockers on kick attempts
- 2 point conversion attempts
- Global and local high score tables
- Built-in help
- View game statistics during and after each game
- Save up to 10 games at a time with the autosave feature and resume your previously interrupted games
- Two player game
- Play against the computer on easy, medium, hard or expert setting or play against your friends on the same device
- Various options to adjust the number of possessions, quarter length, kick settings and much more
- Pick up and go game with an easy learning curve
- Arcade style sound effects
- Sharp 2D / 3D graphics