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Gentle Alarm Clock Lite
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Ease your mornings by waking to soft low volume alarm. Mute it by shaking the phone. Check the remaining sleeping time from sleep graph. Light the bedroom using nightlight. Use LED flashlight if you need bright light. This is free version of Gentle Alarm Clock app.
Pre-alarm wakes you gently few minutes before the selected alarm time. You can set pre-alarm's volume so low that you hardly can hear it. It gives your brain possibility to slowly return from deep sleep stages. Thus waking will be much easier. Pre-alarm lights the bedroom with bright screen.
The main alarm makes sure that you'll wake using louder alarm.
Uses camera's LED flash.
Nightlight lights the bedroom when you go to bed. Helpful feature if you fear the darkness. Light duration can be set.
Night view contains a graph that visually shows you how long you can still sleep. The night view is optimized to be used at night.
Quickly set alarm time by dragging alarm time bar up or down. While you are dragging the app continuously calculates and shows you how long you can sleep.
Gentle Alarm Clock adapts perfectly to your phone's color themes.
Live tile shows how long you slept last night.
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