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Eponyms 1.4.2
Screen Shots:
Eponyms brings a short description of more than 1'700 common and obscure medical eponyms (e.g., Rovsing's sign, Virchow's node) to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. A perfect tool to quickly look up the meaning of any eponym.
It uses the beautiful eponym database from Andrew J. Yee ( who still maintains the database, updates can be installed right from within Eponyms.
*** Features:
• More than 1'700 eponyms, updates can be downloaded right from within the App
• Full text search
• 28 categories as well as the full list
• Customizable "starred" list to keep track of the eponyms you tend to forget or with which you want to test your students in the next exam
• List of recently accessed eponyms
• Learn mode
*** Learn Mode:
The learn mode works like this:
• iPhone: Shake your device sideways in order to display only the name of a random eponym
• iPhone: Shake it up and down to only display the description of an eponym
• iPad: Tap either the "Random Eponym" or "Random Title" button
Learn mode randomly displays eponyms from the category you're currently visiting (or you've last visited). So you can either learn eponyms from a given category, only the ones that you've starred or just all of them. To see the solution, tap the three dots that appear in place of the solution.
*** Students:
Look out for the free student version of Eponyms, it's identical to to this version but free for educational purposes.