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Reading Therappy 1.0
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Hundreds of phrase- and sentence-level reading tasks based on the same functional vocabulary and clear photos as Comprehension, Naming, and Writing TherAppy! This app is an automated workbook for adults with neurological impairment (stroke, brain injury, aphasia) and older children with special needs. Another great speech therapy app from Tactus Therapy Solutions - a digital workbook of semantically organized reading therapy tasks.
❖❖❖See a Video of this App in Action:❖❖❖
Goal Areas: Reading Comprehension, Attention, Problem Solving, Visual Processing, Reasoning
Can be used with: Aphasia, Alexia, Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Cognitive-Communication Impairment, Brain Injury, Early Language Learners, Language Learning Disability, Autism, English as a Second Language Learners
➤4 modes with over 450 exercises each, for 1,800+ reading comprehension practice items!
➀Phrase Matching
➁Sentence Matching
➂Phrase Completion
➃Sentence Completion
➤Hundreds of clear full-color photographs selected by a Speech-Language Pathologist used in both matching modes
➤Carefully-crafted foils on each exercise challenge users to read carefully
➤Clean interface with symbol support allows for independent use
➤Automated scoring allows for easy data-tracking
➤Wrong answers are grayed out once selected
➤Forward and back buttons allow users to skip items and go back to discuss completed items or retry skipped exercises
➤Child-friendly mode removes references to adult themes
➤Users see their answers paired with the stimulus for reinforcement of the correct answer
➤Results can be e-mailed in report-ready format so clients can keep their therapist informed of their progress and therapists can send results to themselves for charting later, using the copy-and-paste ready format to decrease documentation time
✻Please note: There is no sound with this app except for the correct/incorrect sounds as the focus is on reading, not auditory, comprehension