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Find Clinic Hospital And Clinic Search 1.1
Screen Shots:
This app uses GPS to rapidly search for your closest hospital by department. You can also register the details of your regular doctor, the person most familiar with your health and illness. You can then book your next appointment and the smart “outpatient notebook” function will remind you at a set time. You can search for hospitals all over the world, so it is perfect for activities like overseas travel. From accidents and sudden illness to disasters, this is the essential app for those emergency situations.
«Main functions»
✔Department based search:
After you choose from a range of departments, the app will search for the nearest relevant hospitals. The search results include a mini compass so you can see direction and distance from your current location!
✔Never forget your next appointment:
Register your next appointment in the “outpatient notebook” and it will send you a reminder 30 minutes before the appointment time. Even if you are an outpatient at a number of different hospitals, there is no need to worry.
✔Use it all over the world:
The app includes the details of leading hospitals in around 100 different countries. It is ideal for any busy person on the go globally, from business people to tourists.
✔Share your favorite hospitals and doctors:
When you find that perfect physician, how about sharing the news on Facebook,Twitter or Mail?
✔DENSO Corp. - "NaviBridge" Apps and Link:
When used in an automobile this allows one to quickly set the desired destination in the car navigation system.
✩Please note:
While every effort is made to ensure the information is accurate, it is not possible to provide a full guarantee. Please ensure you confirm all details by phone, etc., prior to any consultation.