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Ispinepainmanagement 1.3.1
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iSpinePainManagement is an information resource for spine pain management. It is a presentation library of anatomical visualizations, surgical procedures, medical images and educational notes. Whilst this app is primarily for clinicians providing patient education, it can also be useful to anyone who wants to know more about spine pain management goals and techniques.
"Accurate handheld patient education tool - I've used the 2 other major products this company produces on conservative care/anatomy/pathology and surgery and was excited to see the pain management module. Again the authors are to be congratulated on the accuracy of their videos which help both laypeople and professionals… I leave an iPad for patients in the exam room so they can browse as well. …This app will help surgeons, therapists and just about anyone that has anything to do with spine. There is no other app that does what this one does. I find it useful on rounds or clinic to show patients what is planned for them. I think this would help in an informed consent. I like it. A lot. I think it's worth looking at the complete package of apps. Whilst of use to professionals, it is easy enough for patients to use as well." - Renodoc USA
"Great - Having undergone a spine procedure, I found this app explained things more than my specialist did!" - Paul Meehan UK
"This app is exceptionally helpful for clinicians to explain several procedures commonly used in the management of spinal pain. For patients, procedures involving the spine carry a higher level of apprehension due to perceived potential complications and known risk factors. These videos provide a step by step guide that show the care and precision involved in these procedures." - Claire Small UK
"Beautiful, every anesthetist must have this. Excellent animations, very detailed." - Babjee India
"Excellent application to show to patients, helps the doctor explain the interventionist procedures of pain." - Keneti Mexico
"Valuable presentation tool. This app provides a great way to explain to insurance adjusters, mediators, arbitrators and defense counsel what is described in treatment records. The ability to fast forward is a great feature. I have used the app many times with clients when explaining how the proof will be presented at a hearing or trial." - Trial Law USA
iSpinePainManagement provides accurate spine pain management goal & technique visualizations for informed consent and education. Medical imaging shows real world examples and educational notes cover the indications, alternatives, expectations and complications.
Topics include:
• Cervical Analgesia
epidural injection interlaminar and transforaminal, facet joint injection, medial branch block, medial branch neurolysis, selective spinal nerve block, spinal cord stimulation trial/paddle insertion/wire insertion
• Cervical Diagnostic
facet joint injection, medial branch block, provocative discography, selective spinal nerve block
• Cervical Discectomy
percutaneous automated, endoscopic, laser, manual, thermal
• Lumbar Analgesia
epidural interlaminar and transforaminal, facet joint injection, kyphoplasty, medial branch block, medial branch neurolysis, percutaneous annuloplasty, selective spinal nerve block, spinal cord stimulation trial/paddle insertion/wire insertion, vertebroplasty
• Lumbar Diagnostic
facet joint injection, medial branch block, provocative discography, selective spinal nerve block, vertebral body biopsy
• Lumbar Discectomy
percutaneous automated, endoscopic, laser, manual, thermal
All content is kept with the device and iSpinePainManagement is still fully functional in environments without an internet connection.
This is the third app in a complement of spine apps which includes iSpineCare, iSpineOper