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5 Alarm 1.1.3
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The 5 Alarm Exposure Recorder allows first-responders and healthcare professionals to document biological, chemical, environmental, and diesel exposures directly from their iPhone or iPad (subscription required after download). If you have cell service or Wi-Fi, you have the ability to record your exposures. Anywhere. Anytime. The Exposure Recorder is the quickest and simplest method to document exposures to hazardous agents while working.
The process of recording exposures is so easy and efficient it can be done while on a work break, between seeing patients, or on the way back from an emergency response. Past exposures can be backdated and will be sent to an email account of your choice, in addition to being stored in our secure database. A helpful monthly reminder will be sent to your phone for recording diesel exposures. Diesel exposures can be effortlessly recorded on a calendar that pops up as soon as you log in. Historical exposure reports can be obtained from 5 Alarm Applications at anytime by simply contacting our staff via email. Try the 5 Alarm Exposure Recorder on your mobile device.
5 Alarm Applications was founded by a team of four firefighters committed to creating mobile applications designed to help Firefighters, EMT's and Nurses perform their jobs more efficiently, protecting themselves and fulfilling their duties while on the go.