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Mlumbardegenerativediscdisease 1.4
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mLumbarDegenerativeDiscDisease is an introduction to lumbar degenerative disc disease. The app presents simple visualizations, medical images and educational notes for anyone seeking an understanding of the causes and structural changes of this disease.
"This App helped me understand the back issues I have…" - Mal down under AUS
• Compressive Forces - discusses the compressive forces applied to the spine during movement
• Discs Weakened by - the factors that can weaken the ability of the intervertebral disc to withstand compressive forces
• Minor Disc Injuries - excessive forces applied to the back can cause minor injuries to the intervertebral discs
• Degeneration - repeated stresses and injuries can cause wear and tear on the discs and joints of the back
• Annulus Tears - small annulus tears can accumulate to weaken the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc
• Disc Collapse - how nucleus damage and dehydration leads to intervertebral disc height collapse
• Vertebral Body Lipping - how vertebral body osteophytes or lipping forms
• Facet Joint Mal-alignment - shows how facet joint mal-alignment leads to facet joint degenerative arthritis
• Facet Joint Osteophytes - how a facet joint osteophyte can compress the adjacent spinal cord and nerve root
• Ligamentum Hypertrophy - how stress on the ligamentum flava causes ligamentum hypertrophy, then combined with ligamentum sagging caused by intervertebral disc height collapse, causes spinal canal stenosis
• Summary - the degenerative disc disease processes of disc collapse and bulging, vertebral body lipping, facet joint osteophytes, ligamentum flavum hypertrophy and spondylolisthesis
• Medical Imaging - images of degenerated lumbar discs
• Pain Control - the irreversibility of degenerative disc disease and the option of pain control
• Conservative Treatment - non-surgical treatment options
• Surgery Indications - reasons for surgery for degenerative disc disease and some surgical options
• patient education
• anatomically accurate
• improved understanding, commitment, outcomes and satisfaction
mLumbarDDD is part of the lumbar spine library of patient education applications. Anatomate-apps have a range of spine apps including the reference apps iSpineCare, iSpineOperations and iSpinePainManagement.