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Mlumbardischerniation 1.4
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mLumbarDiscHerniation is an introduction to lumbar disc herniation disease. The app presents simple visualizations, medical images and educational notes for anyone seeking an understanding of the disease.
"Great teaching app - I use it with ipad for in-office patient teaching" - Jahooty USA
• Compressive Forces - discusses the compressive forces applied to the spine during movement
• Discs Weakened by - the factors that can weaken the ability of the intervertebral disc to withstand compressive forces
• Minor Disc Injuries - excessive forces applied to the back can cause minor injuries to the intervertebral discs
• Disc Herniation - how small annulus tears accumulate, leading to annulus weakness, through which a disc bulge can form. This can cause pain and can also lead to a disc extrusion and then a sequested disc.
• Cauda Equina Syndrome - how a large herniation can cause a cauda equina syndrome
• Conservative Treatment - non-surgical treatment options
• patient education
• anatomically accurate
• basic concept without the distraction of real tissue (unclear structure differentiation due to color, texture or blood)
• improved understanding, commitment, outcomes and satisfaction
mLumbarDH is part of the lumbar spine library of patient education applications. Human Media have a range of spine apps including the reference apps iSpineCare, iSpineOperations and iSpinePainManagement.