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Standard Optical 2.1
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The Standard Optical app lets you schedule your own eyecare appointments and have them immediately confirmed. No more requesting appointments and waiting for the call back. You can see which appointments are currently available, reserve the appointment and even add it to your personal calendar.
Founded in 1911 by Henry Schubach in downtown Salt Lake City, Standard Optical now has 18 Utah vision centers. Each Standard Optical vision center provides the highest quality eye care to include examinations for glasses, contact lenses, and LASIK, as well as treatment of medical eye conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts. Standard Optical also provides first-rate quality frames, ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses and sunglasses. Every order that is placed with Standard Optical passes the most stringent ANSI standards to ensure accuracy and superior aesthetic quality.
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