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Mlumbarposteriorinterbodyfusioncage 1.3.1
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mLumbarPosteriorInterbodyFusionCage is an information resource for the surgical procedure known as a posterior lumbar interbody fusion with cage, or PLIF. It presents surgical visualizations, medical images and educational notes for anyone seeking an introductory understanding of the procedure.
"I had this surgery recently and this app helped me learn what and why!" - Cindy Ross USA
"…This allowed me to understand exactly what was going to be involved, as well as show my visitors in hospital what was going to happen… I personally was very happy with this app." - Aussie Dave AUS
"Very Good info about the Plif" - Gebe Quebec CAN
• Spinal Fusion – the definition of spinal stenosis and the purpose of a posterior lumbar interbody fusion
• Indications – the reasons for performing a posterior lumbar interbody fusion
• Alternatives – alternative treatments to performing the fusion
• Surgical Goals – clinical goals when performing a posterior lumbar interbody fusion
• Surgical Technique – illustrates the surgical procedure for a posterior lumbar interbody fusion using two interbody cages
• Medical Imaging - images of patients after the procedure
• No smoking – the importance of not smoking before the procedure
• Expectations – reasonable clinical expectations following a posterior lumbar interbody fusion
• Rehabilitation – what is required following posterior lumbar interbody fusion
• Physical Therapy – importance of lifelong back care
• detailed education
• anatomically accurate
• improved understanding, commitment, outcomes and satisfaction
mPLIFcage is part of the lumbar spine library of patient education applications. Anatomate-apps have a range of spine apps including the reference apps iSpineCare, iSpineOperations and iSpinePainManagement.