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Carb Counter 2.0.0
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Free Carb Counting Application - Based around the Atkins Nutritional Approach
Ever wondered how many carbs in the food you're about to eat? The free Carb Tracker can help you find that information and keep a diary of your daily carb intake and weight loss on the move.
We believe in helping you live the best life you possibly can. And it all starts with the Atkins Nutritional Approach - it gives you the power to eat right, lose weight and keep the weight off for a lifetime of healthy living.
Want to get started today? Right now? Download the Carb Counter and start now!
The app is fast, accurate and simple to use.
- Create your food and weight loss diary on the move
- View your History, see how the food you eat affects your weight
- Set and monitor your targets
- Easy to use food entry
- Create your own custom foods
- Tips, messages and motivation from the team
This plan is powerful because it works. It works by teaching you how to eat the right foods - the foods that turn your body into an amazing fat-burning machine. That's what makes Atkins truly unique. You eat the foods your body was meant to consume, you start burning fat today, right now - and you get powerful, long-term success.
We have listened to your comments and the application can now use lbs or Kg for weight!