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Custom Frames Lite 1.0
Screen Shots:
This is the best photo tool ever. Turn all your pictures into amazing works of art and decoration.
✓ Portrait and landscape mode are enabled.
✓ Universal binary for your devices.
✓ Lots of customizable frames.
✓ Export resolutions: 2389x2400 1991x2000 995x1000 and 497x500
✓ Custom Background patterns
✓ Custom color for: background, borders and shadow
✓ Easy to use Color Picker
✓ Aspect/Ratio adjustable
✓ Export to: Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Photo album, email, copy or print. (You can export to Facebook without the need of upgrading the app, for further exporting features you will need to upgrade via in-app purchase)
✓ Adjust Shadow, borders, corners, margin and type of frame. (All with sliding controls)
✓ Lock rotation mode
✓ Number identifiers for all sub-frames
Powered by Aviary
✓ Enhance: Auto, Night, Backlit and Balance
✓ Effets: Original, Singe, vivid, san carmen, indiglow, concorde, aqua, strato, laguna, ventura and soft focus
✓ Sticker: Get an amazing library of images to attach your pics
✓ Orientation
✓ Crop
✓ Brighter
✓ Contrast
✓ Saturation
✓ Sharpness
✓ Draw
✓ Text
✓ Red eye
✓ Whiten
✓ Blemish
Please note: You need to authorize location services when requested by the app so it can access the multi-picture picker. If not you may get an error when requesting pictures.