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Dial 25 Long Distance Service 1.52
Screen Shots:
Free On-Net Calling for a limited time between 13 countries, NO HIGH SPEED INTERNET NEEDED!
- Free On-Net Countries currently are Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, United States)
Free Credit when you install the app. You don't need an Internet Connection to make calls. Calls within US & Canada are dirt cheap and overseas calls are ridiculously low!! With Dial 25, you get high quality calls that works from anywhere!!
Dial 25 allows you to make calls from just about anywhere in the world to just about anywhere else in the world at Ultra LOW Rates, while still providing excellent quality service. Save up to 98% compared to your mobile carrier’s rates. Our rates are among the lowest in the industry!!! Dare to compare?
Your calls DO NOT require a high speed (3G) or Wi-Fi connection! Calls are carried over your mobile or landline carrier’s network, so a poor Internet connection will not affect call quality. Dial 25 only uses the Internet to setup the call, then the call is made via a local call or Call Back using your iPhone’s native dialer or your landline phone. We turn the local call into a low cost long distance call over our network.
Why choose Dial 25:
- Free $0.25 credit when you install the App. NO purchase necessary!
- Lowest Rates! COMPARE our rates and see!
- No maintenance fees, no hidden fees and your credit never expires!
- Dial 25 can be used in any country and is not blocked like many VoIP services
- Full Time customer service, so you never have to wait long for help
- Available in 190+ countries