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Falcons Mobile 3.0.1
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This is the official mobile app of the Atlanta Falcons. Make your iPhone or iPod Touch a unique part of your Falcons Gameday experience. Want to catch breaking team news? See real-time statistics for every drive? Watch video-on-demand clips of press conferences and player interviews? Follow post-game blogs and pre-game previews of the matchups?
Now, you can stay in touch with the Falcons anytime, anywhere, on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Features include:
- News: Real-time breaking news from the Falcons, previews of upcoming matchups, post-game blogs
- Video: Video-on-demand clips of Falcons' press conferences, coach and player interviews
- Photos: Gallery of game-time action
- Audio: Podcasts
- Stats: Real-time statistics and scores from the official NFL stats engine, head-to-head stats of the matchup, player stats, drive-by-drive stats, box score, out-of-town scores around the league
- Standings: Division and conference standings
- Fantasy: Keep track of your favorite fantasy players
- Depth chart: Shown by offense, defense and special teams
- Social media: Aggregated twitter of all of your favorite Falcons tweeps, check in to the stadium on game-day, one-click tweet of all media items, one-click Facebook posting of all media items
- Digital keepsake: Your game-time moment superimposed on the stadium jumbotron in the form of a unique digital keepsake
- Schedule: Schedule of upcoming games, and scores/stats of previous games from the season, ticket purchase for games
- Concessions: Interactive map of the stadium with searchable concessions-stands and amenities
- Problem-reporting: Reports of various problems and issues around the stadium
- Evolving home-screen: Pre-game, in-game, post-game, off-season countdown, draft-day
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