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Giadas Daily Bite 1.3
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Giada De Laurentiis is one of America’s most-loved culinary stars, adored for her Food Network hit shows and her New York Times bestselling cookbooks alike, all of which feature her fresh, flavorful Italian recipes.
Giada's Daily Bite shares easy recipes and top weeknight cooking tips from Giada De Laurentiis. This promotional app gives fans a sneak peek into her newest cookbook, Weeknights with Giada, with seven recipes as well as two recipes from previous books. The daily bites also include videos of Giada outlining her tried-and-true ways to make dinnertime simple and enjoyable. As a bonus, for everyone who has ever wanted to say it just like Giada, there are sound bites of the star pronouncing everything from spaghetti to prosciutto.
The app features:
- 5 video tips on cooking made simple
- 9 easy weeknight recipes
- 18 sound bites to say it like Giada
GIADA DE LAURENTIIS is the star of Food Network’s Everyday Italian and Giada at Home, a judge on Food Network Star, a contributing correspondent for NBC’s Today show, and the author of six New York Times bestselling cookbooks. She attended the Cordon Bleu in Paris and worked at Wolfgang Puck’s Spago restaurant in Los Angeles before starting her own catering company, GDL Foods. Born in Rome, she grew up in Los Angeles, where she now lives with her husband, Todd, and their daughter, Jade.