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Hurricane Tracker Texas Free 3.1
Screen Shots:
Monitoring the tropical status of the Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico is vitally important for anyone living in a potential hurricane strike zone. Use our simple, free monitoring app to stay informed of all the major incidents happening in our state. This system put all emergency management information at your fingertips without blowing up your budget. This is a must have for anyone during hurricane season. If there is one thing the citizens of Mississippi has learned, stay informed with the hurricane information. Hurricane Tracker - Mississippi (Full) is an iPhone app built to keep you updated on the status of the tropics and get the latest emergency information.
Feature Include:
-Track the location of storms via GIS coordinates obtained from the national weather service
- Watch the GIS coordinates and wind speed indicator for historical storms like Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Andrew
- Get the latest satellite photos of the atlantic basin
- Monitor the emergency twitter account for the state of Mississippi to get the latest information
- View the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale to determine the strength of a given storm
- Monitor the storm's wind strength with our green, purple and red color system