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Laura In The Kitchen 2.0.1
Screen Shots:
Laura in the Kitchen is an online cooking show that is currently in production! To see all episodes of the show check out the official YouTube partner page at
Download 'Laura in the Kitchen' Mobile for iPhone and iPod Touch and always have access to Laura Vitale's seasonal and most popular recipe collection. This app includes seasonal episodes of 'Laura in the Kitchen' and will be updated with recipes throughout the year that reflect the ingredients that are in season!
'Laura in the Kitchen' is a hit internet cooking show ( starring Laura Vitale.
This app is a great addition to any kitchen! With recipes ranging from Classic Italian Lasagna to Cheesecake to Scones, there's something for everyone!
What you get:
-100+ Recipes
-100+ Videos (one for each recipe)
-Recipes are categorized by Appetizers/Sides, Entrees, Desserts
-Seasonal Section (Laura's thoughts and recipes for the season)
-Ingredient Converter
"Hi Everyone! I selected my favorite and my most popular recipes for this app and you will see updates throughout the year with recipes that use ingredients that are in season! Now you can take my recipes with you when you go shopping, and straight into the kitchen so we can cook together! I even added an ingredient converter so you can convert if you need to! I have lots of plans for updates, so stay tuned!" -Laura Vitale
Let me know what you think! As always, I want suggestions. If you think I should add more features to the converter, let me know!
Look for these future updates:
-More recipes and Videos
-More Ingredient Conversions
-Seasonal Specials
-Temperature (degrees F to C) Converter