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Nightlight 1.4
Screen Shots:
A simple but effective nightlight that automatically shuts down when its time to sleep. Perfect for when visiting a strange hotel and need a little light before getting into bed. It is elegant.
Wanted: Do you have a background image that you think other people would like - especially for the iPad? Send them to me at Thanks!
* Device stays awake while counting down, then powers down after specified duration.
* One-Touch timer start.
* Set timer for up to one hour.
* Set brightness.
* Set custom colors.
* Works in landscape mode
Technology Roadmap
* More Backgrounds
* Pick a background from your own photos
* Quicker reseting for standard durations, ie: always reset to 20 minutes.
* persist color and brightness between sessions
* (User suggestion) - When time is up, gently fade to lights-out.
* (new for iPad) - Handle Portrait vs. Landscape background images more gracefully.
* Other? (I always read your E-mails)
Happy sleeping,