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Parker Conmon 1.04
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At Parker Filtration, engineering your success is what we do and with engineering experience in most industry sectors including mobile/construction, automotive, marine and military, Parker Filtration is uniquely placed to supply the solutions to the challenges facing your fluid systems.
Our world class position as an innovator in designing and manufacturing fluid contamination monitoring and analysis equipment ensures our customers can not only keep their hydraulic systems clean with effective filtration but can determine just how dirty the system was in the first place.
Recognising this fact, Parker Hannifin has developed innovative contamination monitoring technology that measures both the size and concentration of particles in oils and lubricants.
This new and exciting iPhone and iPad App contains the following functionality:
+ users can determine their sample frequency of their system fluid.
+ users can calculate their estimated ISO code of fluid cleanliness.
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+ Email Parker HFDE direct from the App.
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