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Rapid Book Creator The Fastest Way To Generate Ebooks 1.3
Screen Shots:
Rapid Book Creator enables everyone to turn your posts from Evernote, Posterous, Blogger, WordPress and any RSS/Atom feeds into ebooks in the fastest way on the go. All published ebooks can be read by any ePub reader including iBooks.
★ Import posts with text, photo, video, and audio
★ Filter posts by date range
★ Sort posts by date
★ Synchronize posts with sources
★ Support downloadable video in mp4/m4v format
★ Support downloadable audio in mp3 format
★ Search Posterous Space by name
Book Creation
★ Customize your cover image
★ Customize book information including author, title, description, subject, and publisher etc.
★ Create multiple books
★ Preview book in iBooks
★ Take photo from camera for cover image
★ Adjust default font size
★ Enable or disable default font name and font size
★ Enable and change line height
★ Option to hide chapter's heading
★ Pass EPUB validation check
★ Email book
★ Upload book to Dropbox
★ Upload book to Google Drive
★ Upload book to FTP Servers
★ Share to Book Center
★ Export to Creative Book Builder for advanced editing
★ Convert book to web app by TouchAppCreator
★ Flash content is not supported
★ YouTube video is not supported
★ Non-downloadable content is not supported
The format of the book is in EPUB format that includes HTML, javascript, css, jpg, mp4, and m4a, mp3.
Please note that you need to turn on location services and accept location request prompted to allow this app to access your photo library. It is only needed for the first time.