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Realtrees Weather Base Station 1.03
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The Realtree Weather Base Station application is a first of its kind mobile application, created for hunters, fisherman, and other outdoorsman in the United States. The application provides key information for fisherman and for hunters to plan their hunt. Users can get radar and weather information including moon phases for free. They can also purchase for $.99 our exclusive Game Activity index, lightning strike data and barometric pressure forecasts as described below:
*Game Activity Index
If you’re only using solunar tables to help predict game movement, you’re only getting part of the story. The Game Activity Meter uses of combination of solunar data and several critical weather conditions to determine if the game is moving in your neck of the woods.
*Barometer Trending
Outdoorsmen know barometric pressure influences game movement. The Base Station’s Barometer Trending add-on gives you a 4-day forecast of barometric pressure to help you predict the best time to be in the woods.
Check for lightning on our interactive maps before you head outside. The lightning layer shows you where lightning strikes are occurring across the United States inside of an interactive map. You can pan and zoom to see the strikes.
- Visit our support page for FAQs and questions --
STABILITY: Version 1.03 fixes a known issue with crashes on selection of locked items. Thanks for the feedback and remember to contact our support number below if you experience issues. Our desire is to add new features and performance enhancements to make this the best app for hunters, fishermen and outdoorsman. (Support:
Realtree is dedicated to delivering the highest quality content directly to your mobile device. Everything from tips and tools to games all right at your fingertips.