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Sachsen Fernsehen 2.1.1
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SACHSEN FERNSEHEN is a regional television broadcaster for the area of Chemnitz in Saxony / Germany. Our mission is the service delivery of up-to-date local news. On our website you will find additional services like the best party pics, event calender and weather forecasts for Chemnitz.
Our brand-new SACHSEN FERNSEHEN TV App offers you the possibility to watch our daily TV broadcasts directly on your iPhone. Additionally you can stay informed with our news pod containing current news reports from Saxony and Chemnitz with relevant text and picture information.
The Tab Bar on the bottom of the app will guide you through the aplication. You can find the last news cast of our "Drehscheibe Chemnitz" magazine as well as other shows within the tab "Sendung". You can watch the current live stream by using the tab "Live-TV". An up-to-date news list can be found within the tab "News".
Our application is optimized for the usage on an iOS based, 3rd generation mobile device. The TV app is executable on an iPhone as well as on an iPad and iPod / iPod touch.
The SACHSEN FERNSEHEN TV App is an official product of SACHSEN FERNSEHEN Chemnitz. For further information or contact services, please visit Information for upcoming features and frequently asked questions can also be found there. We appreciate your feedback