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Yearbook 2010 1.1
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2010 was the the second year for the POPAI D-A-CH Digital Award and again we received many interesting submissions. This award for the best digital projects at POS, POI or POX was set up to promote digital media and to support innovation and progress through publicity and attention. Awards are not only an image instrument for award winners and participants, but support the whole industry to by making excellence widely known.
Already today digital media are everywhere where people are moving about in public and they deserve specific attention and research. After all, whether stationary or mobile, interactive or passive, each instrument has its own requirements to reach the consumers effectively and efficiently.
In this book you will discover some examples of state of the art developments and trends in digital media. In six categories - Best Digital Signage, Best Interactive, Best Sound Solution, Best Content Creativity, Best Media Technology, Best Concept Media- projectswere evaluated and excellence was awarded by a jury of experts, brand and retail representatives.