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Notestreamer 2012.08.460
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A car load of documents in the palm of your hand!
noteStreamer for the iPad and iPhone is a system developed for passive delivery of business documents such as product literature, white papers, promotional materials and more to business partners, sales reps, employees and customers.
noteStreamer's unique platform enables collaboration among manufacturers, distributors, professionals and their clients while providing valuable tools for sales professionals such as contact management, and the passive collection of rep activity data to help you evaluate sales efforts.
noteStreamer brings many other powerful features all of which are accessible, via cloud technology, on your desktop as well as your iPad and iPhone. Unleash the potential of your business by increasing collaboration within your company and across all your business partners.
- View Documents
- View your noteStream
- Download Documents for Offline Viewing
- Share Documents
- Manage Contacts
- Post Notes
- Give Feedback
noteStreamer is the platform that provides safe and effective sharing of information allowing “on the go” communication for today’s busy professionals while also reducing or eliminating the high cost of printing and shipping printed literature.