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Drawl 1.0
Screen Shots:
Drawl is your super-simple iPad drawing companion!
As soon as you start the app, you'll be ready to draw. Change your drawing color with a single tap. Tap and drag to change the size of your pen. One tap hides the toolbar so you can experience full-screen drawing without distractions. Two taps, and your image is attached to an email ready to send to friends, family, coworkers, students, teachers, or whomever you want to share your artwork with!
Drawl includes just enough tools for you to create colorful sketches without any of the fluff and confusion of more complex drawing apps. Drawl will never include layers, brush shapes, text tools, or pre-made shapes. Drawl gives you exactly what you need, and then it gets out of your way.
Drawl works with any capacitive stylus for extra precision, or just use your finger.
Unlike many drawing apps, Drawl is Retina-ready, to take full advantage of the high-resolution display of the new iPad.
Planned features for future versions include:
‣ Editable color palette to allow a greater range of expression
‣ Additional sharing methods
‣ Multi-edit and multi-share to allow you to send, duplicate, and delete sketches in bulk
‣ Undo/redo support