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Spb Wireless Monitor V3.0.222 S60v5 Registered V3.0.222
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SPB Wireless Monitor measures data traffic, calculates network charges according to the currently used tariff, sends warnings of costly data usage, and reports the specific data traffic each application generates. Daily, monthly, yearly or custom period cost reports help to avoid the unrestrained money spending. The solution supports various types of connection (CDMA, GPRS, 3G, and Wi-Fi) and provides users with the report on traffic per application allowing them to track the applications that are the most data consuming.
The more applications are downloaded the harder it is to control expenses on mobile internet. SPB Wireless Monitor becomes the perfect solution for the mobile market that helps end users to limit the apps choice to the most cost effective and prevents money losses for mobile operators. SPB Wireless Monitor is also available on Android and Windows Mobile smartphones.
Main Features:
Per application traffic reports or time-based reports
Daily, monthly, yearly or custom period cost reports
The reports can be viewed on the screen or exported as CSV files
CDMA, GPRS, 3G, and Wi-Fi connection supported
Peak and off-peak tariffs support with 300+ different service plans from various countries
Data usage alarm
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