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Mantis Presenter Pro Interactive Presentations For Ipad 1.0.1
Screen Shots:
Discover a whole new way of engaging your audience for your next presentation or training. Use iPads to conduct presentations to increase your impact. Your audience will have a greater immersive experience as they will be able to see, touch and interact like they never did before.
“If you’re anyone with any kind of business presentation needs, this app might be excellent for you.” -
This app is ideal for all kind of presentations: sales pitches, training, workshops, management committees, brainstorming sessions, etc.
* Compose your presentation
Use both PDF files and internet web pages to compose your presentation. You can just use any of your existing PDF documents or convert your Keynote, Powerpoint or Word documents into PDF.
* Conduct your presentation
Connect your iPad to WiFi network and invite your attendees to join your presentation on their own iPads (on the same WiFi network). It is secured by a PIN code: you can control who can join and who cannot.
Once your attendees are connected, all iPads are and stay synchronized: all attendees see the same page. Touching the page, you will make appear a virtual laser pointer on all iPads. When participants want to ask questions, they also can touch the screen and another laser pointer will show on every screen. Immediately, everyone know which part of the page we are talking about.
If attendee arrive late, they can still join and get immediately to where the presentation is.
Mantis Presenter Pro is ideal for your most demanding presentations, you can even delegate parts of the presentation and you have fine control over what your attendance is allowed to do.
* What is required from your attendance
For best experience everyone should be using an iPad with either Mantis Presenter (the free version of this app) or Mantis Presenter Pro. You can also install Mantis Presenter Pro on an iPhone or iPod touch to connect to an external screen.
All devices must be connected to the same WiFi network.
* Features
- supports PDF files
- can be used as a projector app on an iPhone/iPod
- virtual laser pointer for all participants
- connection secured by a PIN
- automatic agenda
- control over the presentation flow
- supports retina display
* Requirements
- iPads running iOS 5.0 or later
- Mantis Presenter Pro or Mantis Presenter must be running on each iPad.
- All devices must be connected to the same WiFi network
- WiFi must have internet access to display web pages
- Cable sold separately by Apple to connect to an external screen or a projector