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Smart Profile 4.2.1
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Fingertip Access SmartProfile v4.2.1 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned Cracked-ErESPDA
For example, you may need your phone to be silent from 11 pm to 5 am every day, and be in a meeting profile from 10:30 am to 11:30 am every Monday, all you need to do is to set up the schedules using SmartProfile,and then the application will take care of setting your phone to use proper profiles automatically. You can also let your phone switch to proper profiles based on your location, for example, switch to a meeting profile at home from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am every day, or switch to a silent profile in a theatre, then just let SmartProfile remember the desired locations and it will manage proper profile schedules for you. You can also let SmartProfile turn on proper profiles based on your calendar events.
SmartProfile supports multiple ways of saving the locations of your interests. For example, you can use a Bluetooth device as an indicator of a location, such as a Bluetooth enabled laptop at home, a Bluetooth dangle in your desktop; you can also use the availability of a WiFi network as a sign of location change, for example, a WLAN in your office building. Finally, you can also simply use your phone’s own wireless connection as a location indicator.
Here are some key features of "SmartProfile (S60 3rd/5th Edition)":
· Adjust phone profiles according to time schedule.
· Adjust phone profiles according to your locations.
· Adjust phone profiles according to your calendar/agenda.
· Support one-time schedules that are applied only once for a single day or a periods of days.
· Support repeated schedules that are applied daily, weekly, such as, every Monday, or every Monday and Friday, and so on based on your needs.
· Support using Bluetooth devices as location indicators.
· Support using WLAN presence as location indicators.
· Automatically starts up in background mode each time your phone powers up and ready to control your phone profiles. By default, it won’t automatically start up, you can enable it through settings.
· Prioritize all your schedules. You can assign a priority value to each of your schedules so that higher priority schedules are applied first in case of conflicting schedules, such as time overlapping schedules. Conflicting schedules with same priorities are resolved using a configurable schedule order option in Settings.
· Support a default profile for your phone when no schedules are applicable.
· Monitor changes of your calendar event to adjust profile using keywords of your choice.