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Takeamemo 1.0
Screen Shots:
TakeAMemo is a great little app for jotting down your ideas and private information.
** Introduction offer, Free for a limited time **
Create unlimited notes & memos in different font styles, colours & background paper style. All tailored to customer’s choice.
Notes can be sent in E-mail, synchronised up to your Dropbox account, or air printed. Also full iCould integration helps sync and backup your data. As well as distribute your notes across all your iPads.
Keep secured notes of your own, create a passcode and mark the note as secured. No one can read, edit, print, and even delete the memo without entering the passcode.
- Note Editing with a Word processor quality
- No Internet connection required
- Sync & Transfer to Dropbox
- Passcode protection for secured memos
- Full user customisation (font size, type and colour).
- Select from multiple paper styles.
- Full integration with iCloud.
[Additional Features]
- Email notes directly from the app
- Print notes
- Supports full landscape mode
- Supports Screen transition fix option
- Quickly add memos & notes
- Cut, copy, paste and undo / redo
- Dictation supported in iOS 5.0