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Iexit Interstate Exit Guide 7.0
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*** iExit is now FREE for the rest of 2014! ***
iExit tells you what's at upcoming exits when you're on the highway. It uses your device's location to determine where you are on the highway, and then displays upcoming exits in real time.
iExit Search is powerful and dead simple. Search the next 100 exits for businesses (like Starbucks, Cracker Barrel, or KOA Campgrounds), amenities (like WiFi, Playground, or Truck Parking), rest stops, hotel deals, and much much more.
Your GPS will tell you how to get there. iExit will tell you where to stop along the way.
Don't believe iExit will change the way you travel? Ask The New York Times, USA Today, Consumer Reports, CNET, MacWorld, The Today Show, ABC News, and many more. Here's what CNN had to say about iExit:
"Do you have enough gas to wait until the next town? Is there a bathroom coming up any time soon? Need to buy a tent at Wal-Mart? The iExit app will tell you exactly what lies ahead."
Don't take another road trip without iExit!
** Important Notes **
● Your device must have GPS hardware or a connection to the internet for iExit to display results based on your location.
● iExit is compatible with iOS 6.0 and later.
● iExit only works in the United States on major exit-based highways.
● Should you allow iExit to use your location in the background, it will only continue running in the background while you are driving on the highway and not while you are stopped. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
If you have a question or complaint about iExit, please reach out to us first at before leaving a bad review here. We work incredibly hard to build you the best highway guide app in the App Store, and we value your feedback and will reply immediately. Thanks for using iExit!