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Smoke Traker V 0.3.4
Screen Shots:
A small program for those who
want to reduce their tobacco
consumption or stop smoking
by reducing consumption over a
period of time.
It's simple to use, so you wont
be bugged by heavy usability.
Just run it and click "Got one..."
whenever you smoke a
cigarette. The overall daily rate is
stored in a xml file for each day.
By using the calendar navigator
you can track how much you
smoked on which day.
By setting up thresholds you
can define audible alerts (2 .wav
are included) and the colour of
the counter gets red when the
threshold exceeds. Threshold 1
plays "cough.wav", and
Threshold 2 plays "smoke-
To Enable the "Smoke
Advisor" (available since v0.3)
got to the settings page and
enable it and set the average
hours you smoke per day, so for
example if you stand up at
08:00 in the morning and go to
bed at 22:00 in the evening set
the SA-Hours to 14. The "Smoke
Advisor" works by calculating
the time between each cigarette
in corosponding to your daily
target setting and the smoking
hours. Now, if the timespan
between you smoked the last
cig and the moment you press
"got one" is shorter than the
calculated value you will get a
warning which you can follow
or ignore.
To get the money tracker to
work, just go to menu->settings
and write down the price per
cig. If the .(dot) does not work
when you try to enter a price,
try a , (comma) instead and does
so vice versa.