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Mageboard 1.0.4
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Mageboard is a perfect mobile friend for your Magento online store. It gives you the power to track orders, make reports and stay in touch with your customers.
Just saw a top purchasing customer make another order? Send them a thank-you note or give them a quick call right from the app!
A customer registered to your store minutes ago? Why not send them a quick message from you as a store owner to welcome them and let them know about your latest unique deal they can take a look at?
With our sleek integration with your device built-in geolocation services, you can see exactly where your products are heading out to - why not plan a surprise customer visit soon? Careful not to look overly Big Brotherly, though :)
With our dashboard you can prepare any type of a report in a matter of seconds and quickly determine where your strengths are, and what needs to be improved - all of this while sipping your morning coffee or commuting to work.
Take your Magento anywhere with you.
Compatible with Magento CE - and EE -