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Smart Contacts End Loneliness Hd 1.0
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“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” Mother Teresa
Have you ever felt loneliness when you are out of station on a meeting or visit? Many times you know that there might be your friends and family members in the location that you could visit but they don’t come to your mind. The solution is the End Loneliness app.
End your loneliness by buying out smart contacts app which brings your friends and family members close to your current location.
• Shows your contacts, friends and family members around your current location and any other location that you want to search for
• Ability to search on a variety of parameters including searching contacts on the basis of address, name, nickname, email id, Job title, company, birthday, URL etc
• Ability to search/filter your contacts on the basis of current location, current street, city, state or country with a single tap
• Ability to set radial distance for location based services
• A number of essential features in the contact details including iMessage, email and map view of the location of someone in your contact
• Ability to edit and delete contacts
• Shows you the locations of all of your contacts on the map. This helps in planning your route on certain occasions to meet maximum related people
• Shows your current location (both in address and co-ordinates format)
• Master details display settings
• Ability to show and download details of all your gmail contacts. You can use any of the features of Smart Contacts (i.e email, iMessage or map view) for your gmail contact(s).
• Once downloaded, you will not need internet connection to view the details of your gmail contact(s)
• Passcode lock feature avoids unauthorized use and access to your application.
Typical cases for use of this app:
• A person who wants to have the basic features of iMessage, email, contact details, map view and gmail contacts on a single platform.
• Someone visited another city regarding a meeting. After the meeting he/she has enough time to meet someone but no one comes to his/her mind.
• A businessman/official meets multiple potential partners, clients and experts in an event. They want to keep in touch with him and would like to visit each other’s offices whenever they visit their city/country.
• A user made a promise to his e-friend that he will visit him/her whenever he comes to his/her city
• A user needs help from a friend or family member and he wants to know which one is more closer
• If you are planning to visit multiple friends or family members (e.g. on Christmas) then this app can help you plan your route.
• Someone wants to know his current location in map view, address or co-ordinates
• Someone worried about the unauthorized use of his/her gmail contacts.
NOTE: Continuous use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.