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Medical Lab Tests 3.1
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Rated #1 Lab Values Application by "I personally loved Medical Lab Tests. I would find it to be the most useful to me in the wards. It gives you the differentials for high and low lab values, and has a vast amount of high yield information [..] I think every resident and medical student would benefit greatly from knowing the information contained in the Medical Lab Tests app."
App Store Australia (March 2010): "This is one of the most useful of my 120 odd apps. The level of information is well targeted to paramedics, nurses med students & junior docs. Well worth the money."
Health care professionals often find it difficult to interpret lab tests and remember lab values. Can you recall the differentials for Troponin I or the reference values for Amylase? This application will help you!
Medical Lab Tests covers the most common laboratory tests and their interpretation.
All reference values in US and SI units.
Categories: Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Coagulation, Electrolytes & Metabolites, Arterial Blood Gas (ABG), Enzymes and proteins, Ions and trace metals, Cardiac Tests, Liver and Pancreas, Lipids, Hormones, Immunology, CSF and Urine.
Please use the contact form on our website if you have any comments or suggestions.
Read the disclaimer before use. All information in this application is for educational purposes only.